DC/23 Archived Applications
Change of use of land for the siting of 20no. residential park homes. | Land At Turino Avenue Martlesham Heath Martlesham Suffolk IP5 3RW
Non Material Amendment of DC/21/4004/ARM
Non Material Amendment of DC/21/4004/ARM - Approval of reserved matters - the construction of 119 dwellings (including 34 affordable houses), associated works, landscaping and infrastructure for Phase E1, together with details of Green Infrastructure relating to the adjoining part of the southern boundary (Ipswich Road) SANG - on DC/20/1234/VOC - To change the dormer detail on 2.5 storey dwellings from Pitched to Flat Dormers | Land South And East Of Adastral Park Martlesham Heath Martlesham Suffolk. No deadline given by ESC
Non Material Amendment of DC/21/4004/ARM
Approval of reserved matters - the construction of 119 dwellings (including 34 affordable houses), associated works, landscaping and infrastructure for Phase E1, together with details of Green Infrastructure relating to the adjoining part of the southern boundary (Ipswich Road) SANG - on DC/20/1234/VOC - To amend the M4(2) compliant plots from 4no. NA51 house types (Plots 61, 72, 78, 85) to 4no. EMB31 house types (Plots 19-22) - please refer to enclosed M4(2) Compliancy Plan for clarity | Land South And East Of Adastral Park Martlesham Heath Martlesham Suffolk. No deadline given by ESC
Illuminated Advertisement Consent
Signage added to front and side elevations of the unit. | Unit 1A Spenhill Retail Park Martlesham Heath Ipswich IP5 3RU
A1 of TPO No. 41 / 1989 1no. Liquidambar (T1 on plan)
Crown reduce in height by 2 metres and lateral spread by up to 2.5 metres 1no. Strawberry Tree (T2 on plan) - Overall crown reduction by up to 2.5 metres | Upland House Main Road Martlesham Woodbridge Suffolk IP12 4SJ
Discharge of Condition No. 49 of DC/17/1435/OUT
Outline planning application for up to 2000 dwellings, an employment area of c0.6ha (use Class B1), primary local centre (comprising use Classes A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, B1, C3, D1 and D2), secondary centre (comprising possible use Classes A1, A3 and A4), a school, green infrastructure (including Suitable Accessible Natural Greenspace (SANGs), outdoor play areas, sports ground and allotments/community orchards), public footpaths and cycleways, vehicle accesses and associated infrastructure. - Foul water strategy.- | Land South And East Of Adastral Park Martlesham Heath Martlesham Suffolk.
23 Felixstowe Road Martlesham Woodbridge Suffolk
First Floor Rear Extension. Comments to ESC by 27.10.23
Land Off Blacktiles Lane Martlesham Suffolk
Non Material Amendment to DC/21/2571/VOC - Variation of Condition(s) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 17, 18, (removal of) 19, 22, 23, 25 and 26 of Planning Permission DC/16/1992/FUL - Proposed development to provide 47 dwellings, access, School car park, landscape/wildlife corridors. open space and landscaping - Edits to designs of front doors, brick banding and canopy facade.
Discharge of Condition 49 (foul water strategy) of DC/17/1435/OUT
Land South and East of Adastral Park MArtlesham
penhill Retail Park Anson Road Martlesham Heath
Revised Noise Report filed - Change of use of Unit 1A from Class E to a restaurant (Use Class E/Sui Generis) and minor external alterations.