
East Suffolk Council is the local planning authority with responsibility for determining planning applications.
Once a planning application is valid it will be uploaded on to the East Suffolk Council website and the application, including the application form, will be visible via the 'Public Access' system. Public Access
Following this, a consultation process will be undertaken.
Martlesham Council is asked for comments on planning applications in the area.

Why does Martlesham Council respond to Planning Applications?
England's planning system shapes new development all over the country, making sure it is positive for people, the economy, and the environment. The system exists to ensure that development is in the public interest, weighing up its economic, environmental, and social benefits and drawbacks. It plays a key role in making sure the places where we live and work are attractive, vibrant and well designed.' (Campaign to Protect Rural England in partnership with NALC.)
The Martlesham Neighbourhood Plan was made in July 2018. The Neighbourhood Plan process was the result of wide community involvement and is reflective of issues which are of considerable importance to Martlesham. The plan gave our community direct power to develop a shared vision for our neighbourhood, the opportunity to shape the development and growth of our local area and ultimately to guide development within the parish and provide guidance to any interested parties wishing to submit planning applications. The Neighbourhood Plan is referenced in our planning responses and forms one part of the development plan for the parish, the other being the East Suffolk Council Local Plan adopted in 2020.
Martlesham is bisected by the A12 and home to BT Adastral Park, a sizeable retail area and the Suffolk Constabulary HQ. The Brightwell Lakes development has outline planning permission for 2000 homes with reserved matters coming forward in stages for consideration. The parish is home to the 'Martlesham Wilds' nature reserve, a significant area of former organic arable farmland, marshes and saltings on the banks of the tidal Deben Estuary, the River Fynn, Martlesham Common Local Nature Reserve and the Western Corridor SSSI and incorporates part of a National Landscape Character Area and Special Landscape Area. Martlesham Heath Village is an internationally admired model of town planning with a theme of individuality running through each hamlet.
Martlesham Council declared a climate emergency in 2019. Responding to planning applications gives the Council opportunities to engage with planners to provide area specific knowledge, promote beneficial biodiversity features within the design of development and to ensure that there is consideration of relevant, recent information regarding species and habitats.
Against this backdrop and in recognition of the unique, diverse and special nature of our parish, it is Martlesham Council's policy to consider all planning applications. The Council continuously strives to build and maintain effective external working relationships. We work closely with officers from East Suffolk Council, our ward councillors, and are represented on the Brightwell Lakes Community Forum, the Deben Estuary Partnership, the Kesgrave, Rushmere St Andrew, Martlesham, Carlford and Fynn Valley Community Partnership, SAVID, the East Suffolk Council Greenprint Forum and the West Deben Green Cluster Group. These groups are concerned with improving the natural and built environment here and in neighbouring parishes.