What We Do

We make Martlesham a better place in which to live. We do this in several ways, by providing and managing our own facilities, by working with other groups which organise activities within Martlesham and by representing our interests when outside organisations make plans which affect us.
We are guided by a number of themes which run throughout everything we do. These include the neighbourhood plan which identified areas needing improvement in the community which we work to achieve. We have also declared a climate emergency and identified positive actions we can take to lessen and mitigate the effects of climate chaos.

Providing and managing our own facilities, these include:

  • Martlesham Common, a local nature reserve, a picnic site and car parking near the community centre on Felixstowe Road.
  • The new Runway Heritage car park adjacent to the green, with its EV charging points, bike shelters and plaque commemorating its role as a runway during the second world war.
  • The recreation ground with the current plan to improve facilities including the provision of sensory areas.
  • The Centenary, Jubilee and Recreation Ground play areas and the Jubilee bike trails. We also contributed a significant sum to the new equipment at the Harry Higgins play space and maintain that equipment on behalf of the pavilion management committee.
  • Bright's Orchard, an orchard for all the community near Gorseland School.
  • Speed Indicator devices and support for volunteers working to make our roads safer.

Working with other groups

  • We have a large land maintenance contract which looks after our land and benefits other landowners which have property to which we all have access. These include MHHL, St. Mary's Church, and Village Hall.
  • We also support Portal Woodlands Conservation Group which maintains the woodlands belonging to MHHL and Graingers Ltd as a nature, historical and leisure facility.
  • Martlesham Climate Action is another working group which works towards reducing our carbon footprint and co-operates in the running of repair hubs on council premises
  • There are numerous organisations within the parish and in surrounding areas tackling climate chaos and sponsoring biodiversity with which we co-operate. The most exciting of these is the new "Martlesham Wilds" nature reserve. These activities will see a network of linking green projects and corridors established.
  • We have a wildflower project working with other tiers of local government and landowners and work closely with the Suffolk Tree Warden Network to support and enhance biodiversity and mitigate the problems of climate chaos.
  • We are also able to make grants to, or carry out work for, organisations that benefit residents. These vary from year to year but include conservation groups and charities based in, or working in Martlesham. This includes providing football pitches for the Youth Football Club. A full list is made public each year. Organisations should apply in September for grants to be paid in the next financial year.
  • We organise the village fete, a social event enjoyed by all. This gives local groups and businesses opportunities to show off their wares and charities opportunities to raise funds.

Representing our interests.

  • The council is consulted on planning applications and makes comments to the district council which actually make the planning decisions. We consider what will be best for the community and can either recommend acceptance or rejection. In practice however our most frequent comments are about the conditions which should be applied to any development so it minimises disruption to existing residents and maximises any benefits which may arise. This is a significant part of our activities.
  • When larger projects arise, we engage fully in discussions on these, a recent success has been taking ownership of the new car parking near the Green. We are also fully engaged with the Brightwell Lakes Forum which comprises local councils, developers, BT and the district and county councils.
  • Major infrastructure projects can affect Martlesham and again we make representations to ensure our needs are not overlooked and to obtain what benefit we can from these projects. Currently and in recent years we have engaged with energy consultations, including Sizewell, suggestions for major changes to the A12 and revised public transport, pedestrian and cycling strategies.